In the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, kids between the ages of 2-6 yo are fighting a battle for their lives and they don’t even know it. For many, the odds are against them.
The culture in the Highlands of PNG is one of subsistence farming where many eat what grows out of their garden and only occasionally enjoy protein at mumu celebrations. As a result, the majority of kids are malnourished and don’t have enough of the enzyme needed to breakdown protein. Kaukau (sweet potateo), their dietary staple, also serves to inhibit what enzymes they do have. As a result, when they do eat meat, which is often undercooked, the bacteria (clostridium perfringens) found in the meat produces a toxin that wages war on the child’s small intestine.

Early antibiotics are the key to treatment, but too often the kids don’t come in until they have been sick for 3-5 days. We give them IVFs, antibiotics, put a tube in their nose to empty out what is in their stomach, get labs and xrays and we pray. We watch them daily to see how they are or aren’t responding and Jim makes the tough decision of when and if they need surgery. Occasionally, they get better without surgery, but often they need surgery, which brings no guarantee that they will survive.

Pigbel is a killing off too many of our little kids, yet to stop it we need to change the only culture they have known their whole lives. Pray for wisdom for all of us to know where to go from here. Pray for Jim to know when and if to do surgery on these kids. Pray for those working on educating the public about this and steps they can take to decrease the chance their kid may get pigbel. Pray that the government make look into supplying the vaccine once again.