For the past 3 years, Mike and Nancy Pyle have brought a group of college students to Kudjip for a few weeks. Mike and Nancy were missionaries at the RFM hospital in Swaziland, but now teach at Olivet Nazarene University. Mike is a surgeon and Nancy a nurse, but for a few weeks each summer they play mom, dad, and teacher to about 10 Olivet students at Kudjip. A lot of the kids use this trip as a way to explore missions, not knowing how God might be leading them in the future.

The teams are a mix of premed, nursing and then nonmedical students. During their time here, the students rotate in the hospital with Mike, as well as some of the regular Kudjip Docs. They get to to see and assist in surgeries, follow us on ward rounds, and in the clinic and ER. It is a great experience for the students. Mike is a great teacher, and the students really learn a lot from him, as do we. Mike helps Jim out in surgery, often taking call for him, giving Jim a few nights of uninterrupted sleep. He also, this year got to spend a lot of time with Imelda in surgery, as she has been doing her surgical rotation with Jim.

The students don't just flood the hospital, they also do a service project of some sort while they are here. They did a few VBS's on our station and at the Bible College, but then we also put them to work. This year, they painted a few houses on station, helped make the foundation of a shower/toilet block and then they worked on resurfacing our tennis/basketball court. The redo of the basketball and tennis court will benefit many on station, who regularly use the court each day. They also put up lights, so we can play at night.
Thanks ONU team for coming and helping and being a part of us.