So our Project Guys work each day on the Station building our new Hospital Expansion Buildings. The Project is going to help the hospital by expanding our outpatient services, our Medical Storeroom, Lab, Pharmacy, Operating Theatre capacity, Administration, Dental Clinic and new Haus Krai. More than providing buildings though, the project is a way that the Hospital does out reach. The Project workers are local guys, some are Christians and many are not. Throughout the project, they get to work with our Supervisors and Project Managers, who are Christians, and conversations occur and at times lives are changed. This past month, our Project Guys all got to go up to Kamp Kalina to a retreat just for them. At the conclusion of the retreat, over 90 guys made a commitment to follow Jesus. Some for the first time, and others, after having been in the church before, but not recently.

We praise God that the ministry of the Hospital continues. That we aren't only focused on our patients and their spiritual needs, but also look at those working for us and trying to meet their needs too. We have no idea what God will do in the 2.5 yrs remaining of the Project, and how these guy's faith might grown and develop and what kind of changes might come after that, only God knows. We are just thankful that we can be a part of it.