For maybe the first time in years, we are out of Rolled Bandages. We use Rolled Bandages for so many things at Nazarene Hospital. We use them to hold dressings on, to act as a sling, in the place of tape, to wrap instruments going for sterilization, etc. I don't know how many we use in a day or a week or a month, but when we just found out we were short, we knew we needed to make more.

Thankfully, we have some youth on station, who are looking to raise money for a big Nazarene Youth Conference happening the end of this year, and since they are on school break, they had some free time. So Sr. Vero, one of our OT scrub nurses, and mother to some of these kids, and youth leader, helped the kids to turn the sheets we purchased at a 2nd hand clothes store into rolled bandages. The kids managed to roll out over 2000 bandages in a week's time. Great job kids.

We know we have more waiting to come at Nazarene Hospital Foundation, but until we get here, we do our best to get by. One thing our new storeroom is helping us with, is knowing our actual supply of various supplies that we use all the time. Our Roller Bandage area is currently empty, so we can now let our donors know what kinds of things to put on the next containers that are coming. If anyone is interested in making some rolled managed,
here are the instructions at Nazarene Hospital Foundation, which is what we followed to make our rollers (thanks Jordan) and then the bandages too.