Hanging out with other missionaries and playing games is one of the more common n
ighttime activities here at Kudjip. This Sunday we had the Oviatts, Angela, and the McCoys over for a game of Cranium. This was a new game to some, but we all enjoyed it and
had a few good laughs. Dr. Dave tried to draw the action of sew with his eyes closed, for some reason no one guessed it correctly. Dr. Bill did a very good impersonation of Bob Dylan as he hummed a song that Dylan didn't sing, but Marsha was still able to guess who he was. I have also enjoyed playing Settlers of Catan with the Dooleys. This is similar to Risk, but different. The McCoys have invited Becky and I over to play a game called Mah Jong. This has taken us a little while to learn, but has been fun to play. It is also fun just to get to know the other missionaries as we play games together.