Wednesday, February 17, 2021

New Dental Clinic

 Our Dental Clinic was located in our old Outpatient Department Building.  When the hospital moved in 2010, we mostly abandoned that building, but over time we redid some of it for Dental and Security offices.  That now has changed with our Hospital Expansion Project.  We now have redone our old Administrative Building and turned it into a Dental Clinic.

We see about 5000 dental patients each year in the clinic.  Dr. Lesther is our PNG dentist, who came to us after finishing her residency at a nearby hospital.  She got to overlap with Sheena, our PostResident dentist who was with us for about 2 years, before joining up with another mission agency in PNG to continue to provide dental services to places in the bush.  Sheena still comes back and helps in training and with our equipment, which we are thankful for.  

Sheena and Lesther have worked with our Dental Staff training up our dental assistants.  Emelda, Clara and Tapita are a vital part of our dental team, and the care that we provide.  We were able to get our Panorex Dental Xray working again after our move and so we are back to being able to do a bit more for our patients.  We have a Dental Resident going to join us in April, for 2 years to train with Dr. Lesther and our team.  We look forward to continuing to be able to serve the people of Jiwaka through our dental ministry.