Just before Covid hit in March - we were working on transitioning into our new Operating Room Complex. Jordan, Earl and Don put in a lot of time with their team of Project guys to take our 2 operating theaters and turn them into 4, plus add a Minor Procedure Room.
We had a lot of dust and noise for a number of months, but the finished product was worth it. Our staff sure seem to enjoy the new building.

In the last month here, we have had surgical trainees (Maxwell and Alex), a Volunteer Surgeon (Tom), our Surgeon (Ben), and then our new Ob/Gyn doctor (Laura). So those 4 OTs have already been put to good use. Many lives have already been saved by having these OTs, and we know more will be in the days ahead.
I have done a few Csections in our new OTs, which is all I get to do in there, which is a good thing. I am so thankful for our surgical folks who have their years of training and expertise to do what I an our other doctors aren't trained to do.