Almost everyday here at the hospital someone dies. At times, the amount of death and disease is overwhelming. While on call yesterday, there were 2 babies, 1 child, and 1 adult that passed away in the hospital. So admist that, it is good to have a bright spot. Baby Abraham Lincoln has filled that recently. His parents, above, had already lost 2 babies, and mom was in labor with him. She was making slow progress so Dr. Bill and I took her to CSection. Mom had a placental abruption, and when he initially came out he looked like a FLK - funny looking kid. He looked like he might have a syndrome of some sort. Praise God he now looks great. Most PNGers don't name their children right away until they go home and cook a lot of food and celebrate, but Abraham was already named before he was born. (At least that is what they tell me) His mom Lydia, is a teacher and one time read a book about Abraham Lincoln and she liked it so she decided to name him that.
Ps 139:13-14 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."