Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving in PNG

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving here in PNG. The Mayflower didn't land at PNG so the nationals don't celebrate Thanksgiving or even know what it is, thus I had to work today. It didn't quite feel like Thanksgiving for that reason, but the evening meal was very nice. All the missionaries got together to enjoy turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, stuffing, cabbage, corn, pies, and oreo dessert. I made my grandma's cabbage and oreo dessert. Not everyone wanted pie and I had some oreos, so I asked all the other missionaries to donate items to make the oreo dessert. Becky had bought a bunch of potatoes when we went to town, so I volunteered her to make the mashed potatoes. She got help from the Radcliffes as they mashed them together. We did learn an important lesson in cooking - if you peel and cut the potatoes the night before - put them in water overnight. When I asked Becky why we needed to refrigerate the potatoes after peeling them she said "It is like everything else - refrigerate after opening." It was a great Thanksgiving and a great time of fellowship. It sure made me feel a part of a family even though mine is far away.

Jill Riggins shared about the pilgrims and how during the first years they had so little food that each day they could only have 5 kernels of corn. So we passed around an ear of corn and took off 5 kernels and gave thanks for 5 things in each of our lives. It was very touching to hear all that we as a family here are thankful for. I am thankful for God's grace, Salvation through Jesus and answered prayers, for Luke and his parents, for my Grandma - her testimony of God's grace in her life and her cancer being in remission, for the way the missionaries here have made me feel at home and part of the family, and for the time I had with my friends and family before I left and the internet - which now keeps us connected, and much more.

We ended the night by singing Happy Birthday to Dr. Bill. His birthday was yesterday. The station tradition is this melody of 5 Happy Birthday songs in one. While we were singing Bill took the time to dance around with Aden, it was cute.

Praying that you all have a blessed Thanksgiving.