After a container comes, the hospital pharmacy quickly fills up. Our faithful pharmacy workers get the job of sorting through everything and finding it's place on the shelves. This will definitely take a few days. Other than donations, we also get hospital supplies and medicines from the Papua New Guinea Area M
edical Stores and from other stores where we purchase meds from. Since Scott Dooley is on furlough, I have now inherited the job of ordering medicines for pharmacy, which at times can be frustrating. I often don't know we are out of something, until we are already out of it. The AMS often doesn't have all the meds that they should, and it takes longer to fill an order than I would think it should. We often send urgent orders for things and come back with less than half of what we ordered about 1 week later. Poor phone lines also make this job harder, as often I can't make a call. We currently are out of 3 of our 5 medicines for Tuberculosis, and no one in the country seems to have these medicines. Just a normal day here at Kudjip. Despite all this we continue, by God's grace, to care for the folks the best we can with the resources we have.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Container arrived - Pharmacy stuff
This weekend
we got a container from the US. A few times a year the hospital receives a container full of hospital supplies - most of it is donated from companies and hospitals in the US that churches and others put together. The missionaries also have some personal things which come. Some are surprises from family or churches, so at times it is like Christmas. I got somethings I had asked Megan to send - like contact solution, a few books, sunscreen, etc - but a few surprises also which was fun. I got a new lamp in my den now because Marsha McCoy had gotten
lamps for the mission houses, so I inherited one of these. I also should be getting some new curtains for my living room in a few days.