Well the new hospital, which is being built by the donation from the PNG Incentive Fund (PNGIF), had another set back this week. Like the last time the hospital closed, the local tribes interfered with the progression of the project. A different lain wanted worked and did what they could to see that they got it. This did not go over so well with Dr. Bill and other hospital leaders, so the hospital closed again. (You can see the empty peds ward after 3 days of closure, and no one in the outpt waiting area.) The hospital leaders are just asking for assurance from the tribes that the work of the project will continue without interference, withou
Many meetings had occurred this week, and it didn't look like we were getting anywhere. The locals didn't think the hospital should be closed because things didn't go well on the new site - they don't connect the two. They talk about wanting this hospital so that their kids and grandkids will be able to get care, but don't seem to understand every time they interfere with the project they are coming closer and closer to not ever seeing this hospital being finished. There are lots of folks that could pull out - Heduru (the construction team), PNGIF (the donors), and the Nazarene Church. If any of these folks said this is enough, too many disturbances to the project - then no hospital will be built.
Today, through answered prayer, the folks at fault backed down, accepted responsibility, and claim they won't interfere again. This is a huge victory - for today. Unfortunately, this probably won't be the last time the hospital closes as the new hospital is being built. These 2 incidents that have oc

I was reminded last night of God's promises as I looked out my window and saw this rainbow. As God said to Noah in Gen 9:16 "Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth." Last night, this was a reminder to me that He does remember His people, and that His promises still stand, and that He will continue to carry out His work through His people today. What a joy it is to be a part of His work.