Today the missionary family gathered together for an Easter sunrise service. Sunrises are special here because of the amazing view of the Whagi Valley around us. Today was a special sunrise as we gathered to celebrate and remember the resurrection our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Over 2000 yrs ago Jesus, willingly, went to the cross and took our sin upon Him and died in our place. He died so we don't have to. He died so we can hav
e eternal life. I am challenged by Matt 26:39 "Yet not as I will, but as you will." Jesus lived this out each and every day. He gave up heaven and came to earth. He gave up the life of a carpenter to t
ravel around teaching and preaching. He ultimately gave up His life for us. I wish I wouldn't win so much and could be more like Him and live for others and do what God asks of me each and every day. We heard a reading by Anne Graham Lotz that r
eminded me that all I/we need is Jesus. No matter what comes in this life, Jesus has overcome it all, He overcame death and will help us each day with all that we face. What a comfort. I pray that all of us can proclaim, like the centurion who was guarding Jesus, Matt 27:54 "Surely he was the Son of God." He was the Son of God and He is also the Savior of the world.