In June 08, a work and witness team from Arizona, led by Dr. John Brothwell, came and started the Barnabas House. Once they left, Mike and his guys took over, but finishing the new hospital became the priority, so now with the new hospital finished, it is time to focus on finishing the Barnabas House. Tues was the first day in a long time that I have gone inside to see what it looks like. They have made a lot of progress since last time I was there (on right). The house is designed to hold large teams or a number of
volunteers who may come. There is a large central area for cooking, eating, and relaxing, and then 2 wings of rooms which w
here bunkbeds will maximize the living space. Left to be done includes plumbing alterations to install the washer and dryer, putting in windows and shelves, and cleanup. It will be nice to have the extra space when teams and volunteers come.