Sunday, July 4, 2010
25 years ago . . .
On July 4, 1985, Jim and Kathy Radcliffe arrived on Kudjip Station to ser
ve as missionaries. It is now 25 years later and they are still here. They have seen and done a lot in their 25 years, not the least of which is to raise their 6 kids. Jim has served as the hospital's only surgeon for almost all of the time he has been here, and has been on call for surgery almost every night as well. He has answered God's call and as a result has touched many lives through his healing hands. Kathy has touched many lives as well through her involvement in women's ministries, the missionary kids school, and praying with Jim's patients on surgery ward. I know many lives in PNG have been touched and changed through the ministry of them and their family. I am thankful that I am here and get to work along side of them and learn from them as we serve together.