Luke is 3 and 9 months and ever since the tree went up and talk of presents have come up, he has decided he wants everything. Everything from a christmas tree on top of his car, to every toy in the magazine, to everything he sees on TV, to everything he sees in a store. So after watching a show on how giving is better than receiving at Christmas, I thought we might try it. I had gone to the bank and there was a Family Dollar next door, so I said, hey Luke do you want to go and buy presents for mommy and daddy for Christmas? Yeah. So in we go.

The first thing he sees are toys and decides he wants everyone of them. I remind him that we are looking for something for mommy and daddy and he tries to tell me that they would like the toy story puzzle, and the toy car. We move out of the toy aisle to avoid distractions and try and find something for mommy and daddy. He sees some snow globe like things that shoot snow out when you push a button and says he wants one of those. I say we have to get something for mommy and daddy, then he says mommy would like this. I asked him if he wants it or mommy, he says he does. So we continue to look for something for mommy and find something. Then he asks if he can get something, and I explain that he will get something on Christmas, but now he needs to get something for his family. So we go looking for Graham and we initially find a dinosaur coloring book, but as we keep walking, then we see these large stuffed animal blanket things. Luke definitely really wanted one and started carrying around the puppy one. I reminded him we are looking for Graham and so he says Graham would like it. I see a sheep above the blankets and know that Graham carries around his "baa baas" all day long, and would much rather have a sheep stuffed animal than a blanket. So I point out the sheep to Luke and ask if Graham might like that, he says I think he would like this puppy. I said would he like it or would you, I would and Graham would like the sheep, so we got the sheep. Next was daddy, we were starting to get the hang of it and so we headed toward the tool section. Once he found something he liked, he then asked if he could get something for him. As I once again explained that he would get his presents at Christmas, a lady in the store smiled as she heard me talk to him. So all that was left was Eli, he quickly spotted something for him and we made our way to the checkout. Then he said, ok, now can I get something for me, nope, and I repeated what I had been saying and talked about God giving us Jesus on Christmas.
So we went home, avoided inquisitive questions from dad on what may be inside, and wrapped up his gifts to give out at Christmas.