This evening all the missionaries gathered in the Schmelzenbach's living room to talk about the traditional seder meal and to taste parts of it. It was a great reminder of what this whole Easter weekend is about. Tonight we remembered the first Passover and the Exodus of the Jewish people out of Egypt and how God provided a way out for them, and still provides a way out for all of us in Jesus. It was a reminder of what today was - the day Jesus shared his last meal with the disciples and then went out to the Garden of Gethsemane and after praying to God for His will to be done, He was then was betrayed by Judas. It was a reminder of the need we all have for a Savior and that Jesus died to take away our sins. It was a reminder of the hope of a better life for all who believe in Christ, as He rose again on the day we celebrate Easter and death was defeated. What a great reminder, a great God, and a great Savior. Have a great Easter weekend.