Friday, February 1, 2013


Barb, a visiting nurse from the Easter Highlands here to get some extra experience in OB ultrasound, sees me as I am coming back from lunch and says there is a mom bleeding in D ward.  I find a mom laying on the bed, with a puddle of blood on the floor under her and a pile of blood under her as I examine her.  A quick exam and ultrasound reveal the baby’s heartbeat is dangerously low and we need to do a C/S NOW to get the baby out if it is going to survive. 
Barb, and the other nurses in the delivery room worked quickly to get the mom ready, while I informed the OT crew.  The OT crew had just finished a case and had gone to lunch, but they all came back just then and they quickly got ready and we got mom into the room and started the surgery.  The baby, came out not breathing and without a heartbeat, but quick work by our Anesthesia Officer, Mr. Geba and Barb helped to bring him back. 

Without Barb, without the D ward nurses and students getting the patient ready, without the lab getting blood for the patient, without Anesthesia making the surgery possible and helping with the baby resuscitation, without our OT crew there to do this surgery, this baby wouldn’t be here and this mom might not either.  I am thankful to be a part of this great team. 

Pray that this little boy would continue to gain strength in the coming days.