Our MKs have been working hard this year studying Romans and James to get ready for Q2014 in Nashville the end of June and July. The Dooleys are heading on Home Assignment, and so got all the families together to eat some scrumptious Mexican food and played some games involving the material the kids had been studying. We had a lot of laughs and a good time together.

The kids have been studying hard, waking up for 630 am practices, having practice quizzes and putting in time on their own. In the US, kids are able to compete against other quiz teams to get experience. We don't really have that option here, so we have had to come up with alternatives.
We started out this year with some of the adults, studying and quizzing against the kids, but in just a few weeks, the kids were so far ahead of the adults, it wasn't competitive. We then started giving the adults the questions and answers ahead of time, so they could limit their studying to what was important and try and be competitive with the kids, but they kids still won. We finally went to the adults siting on the seats with the questions in hand, so all they needed to do was outjump the kids and they could compete with them. The kids still outjumped the adults and won. So we are looking forward to some real competition when we head back to the US.

Bill McCoy has been their coach throughout the year, but I have been helping out and have taken over coaching duties with the McCoys back home on their Home Assignment time. The kids head back to the US in mid June to meet up with Bill for a week of practice before the quiz.
Thankfully, I also get to go back for the quiz and will make a quick 8 day trip home to get to be with our team - EVENUS (Romans 9:24) for the quiz.