Katherine Radcliffe is one of our new doctors. She is a family practice doctor and also the mother of 2 adorable little boys. She is here with us for 2 years through Samaritan's Purse Post Residency Program along with her husband (more on him later). Twice Katherine has come as a student and then a new doctor, but now is here long term to care for the lost and hurting in PNG. She is learning Pidgin and relearning how we practice medicine, but is excited and willing to learn all she can and help out as she can. Grandma Kathy enjoys the time with the boys while Katherine is working, so it is a win win for everyone.

Ben Radcliffe is Katherine's husband and also the oldest son of Jim and Kathy Radcliffe. He grew up in PNG and now is back to learn all he can from his dad before Jim retires after 30+ years of missionary service. In some ways it is like Ben never left, but in others, it is like he just arrived. He too has been here 2 others times

in a medical capacity, but there is still a lot for him to learn about being a missionary surgeon. Thankfully, his dad is here to help him grow in that area, and others like Scot Pringle can help as well.
As we look to the years ahead, we know we are going to be losing 3 doctors who have been a major part of us for many years, but I also am excited by these two new doctors who are committed to continuing to serve here in Papua New Guinea and to carry on the torch of those who are retiring.