So normally when a C-Section happens, I am either performing the section as the surgeon, or am assisting a new doctor as they are learning the C-Section. Tonight, I got to be involved by being the Scrub Nurse.

Rebekah, our new doctor from New Zealand, and I are on call. We had a C-section for a breech baby, and so Rebekah was going to do it. She is close to doing sections on her own, so she doesn't need a lot of help, but because it was breech and she hasn't successfully gotten a baby out without help when they are breech, I thought I should be close by. Alex, is getting more experience in sections, so he was our 1st assistant, and asked Auntie Margaret (our photographer here) if I could be the scrub nurse. This would allow me to already be scrubbed if Rebekah needed a hand in something, but I would have another job that would prevent me from being too involved.

Margaret thought it would be interesting to see how I would do. It is one thing to do the surgery and another to know and understand what all your teammates in the surgery do. I thought I would know what to do, but Margaret definitely had to talk me through some of it and remind me to do certain things. I think I passed, but definitely would need more practice if this was my job.
Having been a scrub nurse now, I have officially done all the roles in a Section - being the surgeon, assistant, scrub nurse, baby catcher and anesthesia in the past. It is good to be flexible, to learn new skills and to appreciate the roles that others do. I definitely have a better appreciation for the job our scrub nurses do, and how their efficiency makes the surgery go so well, or in my case how my inefficiency slowed us down at times. In a mission hospital, you never know when you might be called on to help do something outside of your normal role, so learning new roles is never bad. Margaret, might take me if doctoring doesn't work out.