Today was an eventful day. Thankfully, Luke hasn't been bothered by the time change. He has been sleeping in til 6, but today he slept til 630, which allowed us to get more sleep too. Megan and Joe haven't adjusted quite so well, they are dead tired at 8, and I try and force them to stay up til at least 9. Today, after breakfast, we played around the house until it was nap time. Joe started going stir crazy, so he decided to make egg rolls. Before he could finish he was called to go and watch a CSection that Susan and Kevin were doing. He enjoyed getting to see that.
While he was aw
ay, Luke, Megan, and I went to the Riggin's house next door and played with Aden and talked to Jill. Aden (2yo) was shy at first, but did eventually warm up to us. We played with the ball in the yard, and then Aden came over and played with the cars at my house. It was fun to watch Aden and Luke interact. At snack time, Luke was trying to feed Aden's eye, it was funny. Aden was pretty shy around Megan, and even hid behind the wall when Joe came home. He wouldn't talk to them, but he did talk to me. "Erin, where Luke go?" he asked when Luke went to the table for some lunch. 
Following lunch, we met with Gail Dooley and Sam Bennett and went on a 45 minute hike to the waterslides. Luke enjoyed the ride from Joe's back in the backpack. The hike is through some of the local villages, so Megan and Joe got to see what a bush house looks like, and have a small idea of what village life
is like. We got to the waterslides and found some national kids enjoying the slides as they slid down the rocks naked. We didn't try that approach, but did slide down them. Joe managed to lose his sunglasses on one slide. Luke didn't really enjoy the slides too much, he would cry when Joe or Megan would leave to go down the slides. He thought th
e water was a little cold too, so it wasn't his favorite outing that we have had.
The terrain is quite slick in places so carrying him proved a little dangerous at times. Joe was a little frightened at one point when I was going to carry Luke, but Megan slipped behind me and took me out. I just landed on my bottom. Luke was fine, but it was a little scary. Andrew, a national man who owns the land near the slides, carried Luke part of the way, as he is more sure footed than the rest of us.
Surprisingly, he didn't cry when Andrew had him.
After we put a towel in the backpack for Luke to lean on, he managed to sleep part of the way home. Of course, he woke up as soon as we tried to put him to bed for real. We played some and finally put him to bed for a late nap. We headed to the Chapmans - Mike and Diane's for dinner tonight. We enjoyed pizza and zucchini cake (one of my favorites), and got to see a bunch of the pictures that Mike has taken since he has been here. Luke really enjoyed the pizza, and enjoyed the cake also. When we got home, he just ran around, finally we just put him to bed and he was out. It was a long day for him.