This am we said goodbye to the Kerrigans - Kevin and Leslie. He is a volunteer surgeon who came and served for 5 weeks. Leslie is a nurse who helped clear out a lot of stuff in the 2nd OR, and made a lot of great food which we all enjoyed. Jim was doing a CSection during our circle time, so he came out to say goodbye to the Kerrigans while scrubbed up (on L). Thankfully we will see the Kerrigans again as they come back in
Nov-Dec to fill in for part of the time while Jim is on furlough.
Shortly after the circle time we headed to the Bennetts to said goodbye to the Boyes - Russell and Pattie. Pattie has been teaching at the College of Nursing this year, and has helped lots of folks make quilts. Russell spent his time fixing things, and managed to fix about everything that needed fixed on station. They were here for the year and will be missed.
Today we had planned on having a big softball game, but due to all the rain we got last night and this am, it was still up in the air as to if it was going to happen. Thankfully, the rain did manage to hold off for a bit, so we headed out to the elementary field for our softball game. I wasn't sure if everyone who said they would play, would show up in the muddy conditions, but they all it. We started with about
7 on 7, but ended up with about 11 on 11. We all got super muddy, but had lots of fun. Joe and Sam weren't afraid of the mud and made some diving catches in the outfield. Ethan managed to safely slide into a few bases to beat the throw and get muddy in the process. Megan pitched for her team, it was just slowpitch, but she did manage to hit one player. She
also managed to slip and fall in the mud. I played shortstop, but due to my shoulder problems (4 dislocations) I threw side arm. I wasn't always very accurate, but managed to get a few folks out and catch some fly balls. I had the only injury of the game - mud in the eye. I was trying to stop an overthrow and it hit just right and shot mud in my eye. We got some of it out, but I was up, so I threw out my contact (disposable), closed my eye and hit. I popped it up and got out, but I tried. Once home, Meg
an still found mud in my eye that she was able to rinse out. Joe robbed my team of some nice hits out to left field with his catches. Luke initially was passed from Megan to I while we were hitting, but then Kathy Radcliffe took him and he did great.
Following the softball game and showers, we headed to McCoy park for some smores. Folks brought some dough and hotdogs and cooked these over the fire before the smores. The kids played flashlight freeze tag and just hung out. Luke enjoyed some time with Josiah and Lydia, and mom and dad. It was a good ending to the day. Once inside, Megan, Joe and I played a game of Settlers of Catan, something we have enjoyed doing while they have been here.
While I was writing this, the house started to shake, no damage occurred. This is the 2nd earthquake which I have felt since I have been here. I will have to check and see where it was located at. The Nash Family Visit is quickly drawing to a close, pray for us as we prepare to say goodbye again.