Today was the last full day for the Nash Family to be here
We went to church this am at Emmanuel, right off of station. Luke made it through the singing and the beginning of the preaching, but it was nap time so Joe and Megan
headed home. After church, we played some Settlers before heading to the Bennetts for brunch. The Dooleys joined us at the Bennetts, so Luke got to play with Olivia. They enjoyed playing and sitting with Uncle Andy. Gail and Judy fixed the brunch which included a breakfast casserole, waffles with all the fixings - it was great.
ter lunch, we had time for a power nap before basketball. Joe and Luke came out also. Luke enjoyed playing with the stones. Joe joined us for a bit before taking over Luke watching duty. We enjoyed dinner with the Radcliffes tonight. We had some sherbet which Megan and I had made, but hadn't eaten, it was pretty good. The missionaries here have been great in welcoming Megan, Joe, and Luke. Megan had heard a lot about them from my emails and stories
I have told, but now she actually got to meet them. We ended up eating with most of them, and spending time with others. So it was really nice.
We played Settlers again tonight. We have played it quite a bit since they have been here. I had gotten Settlers and Seafarers for Christmas, but hadn't had much of an opportunity to play them until they came, so I had some of the rules wrong. We finally straightened them out this evening before we played. It is a fun game because it is never the same.
Tomorrow we head back to Mt. Hagen to see them off on the airplane. It certainly has been great to see them, and to have this time with them, even if it was short. I am so glad they came and can't wait to see them again soon, I wouldn't have traded this time for anything.