Megan, Joe, and Luke landed in Mt. Hagen, PNG today around 5:30pm. It was a long flight, and not one they look forward to doing again, but I am thankful they are here. Luke did great, but was really tired. He fell asleep as we drove the 45 minutes back to Kudjip. I had to hold
his head up to keep it from being jarred all around and being in his lap. He now is fighting sleep and doesn't want to lay down in the crib, but likes it when his mom holds him. I am thankful that the wait is over and I get to spend a few days with my family. Tomorrow we will go on the station tour and will head to Suicide Rocks after everyone sleeps in. Jeff Myers is hoping to get a big softball game together while they are here, which should be fun, followed by Smores at the park. Stay tuned for our adventures during their time here.