Once we had some breakfast we went outside and played with Buster. Luke petted Buster, who reminds him of Klondike, his cat. We played and ran in the yard also, before we ca
me back inside to play with more toys and take our first nap. I used the time to put away everything Megan brought me. It was like Christmas all over again.
After naptime, we went out on a walk of the station and a hospital tour. We went through the hospital, seeing the different wards, the ER, and outpatient area. Megan and Joe got to meet a lot of the folks I work with everyday. We toured the South side of the station, and we
nt to the hydroelectric plant to see the waterfall. We met a bunch of the missionaries on the walk. After a lunch of grilled cheese and tomato soup, we headed to Suicide Rocks.
We went with Sam, the Kumors, and Josiah Radcliffe. We had a good time. Megan and Joe both jumped in without much difficu
lty. Despite having his swim trunks on, we didn't allow Luke to get near the swift current of the water. We had a good walk, seeing more of the village and where people live each day. Now it is time for 2nd nap.
I was concerned that Luke may take a while to get accustomed to me, and prayed that it would be a quick transition for him. Thankfully, it hasn't been an issue, what a blessing and answer to prayer. Right from the start at the airport, he came to me and was fine. Last night, I thought when he was crying that he might not like me getting him and putting him back to bed, but he didn't mind that either.