Bill often woul
d grow things in little nursery boxes and then transplant them to the garden plots. Through email I asked him about this and he told me to use the soil in this black soil storage box behind the house. So today I decided I was going to get these boxes ready to plant on Saturday. I open the lid to this thing and find lots of small bugs crawling around and leaves and soil. I take a shovel to get some out and put it in the boxes, no big deal. However, one shovel full unveiled a large whitish/clearish insect of some sort with multiple legs. I have never seen one (of whatever this is) this big before. I decided I really didn't want that to eat up my seeds that I would be putting in the soil, so I put it back to play with it's friend which was also inside. I decided I didn't know what else was in this soil, but I didn't really want to find out, so I got soil from the compost pile that the pig had dug through, and will use this.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Adventures in Gardening Part 5
After the pig destroyed some of the garden, I decided I needed to go out and try and fix it. (Keep in mind I have no idea what I am doing.) The gardens in PNG are all built up from the ground due to all the rain that we get. The pig seemed to like the edges of the plots, so a lot of the plots became level. So for the past 3 days, I have been out working. I
set out with my shovel, weeder thingie, and rake to try and rebuild the plots. It was quite labor intensive, but I managed to rebuild them the best I could. Some were a lot easier than others, and I did have to sacrifice some tomato plants on one of the plots. After shoveling and moving the dirt around, they looked pretty bad, definitely not ready for planting. So I took the rotatiller to them. I need to weedeat, but the plots now look like they did before. Now, I need to figure out what to plant. I will probably try more cucumbers and watermelon. 2 of the cucumbers, that I planted before, are still growing, tragically one was lost in the pig damage. Some bugs are chewing their leaves, but I am still hopeful they make it. The one watermelon plant is still growing, it was the only thing left on it's plot, the rest the pig destroyed.