Scot, Jill, Aden, Wiley, Noah and Emma Kate Riggins returned to Kudjip for a couple weeks. They use to live across the street from me, but have taken assignments in South Africa and now in the Philippines for the Church of the Nazarene. We were all happy to hear that they would be coming back to Kudjip for Christmas.
The boys have sure grown up in the past 3 years. Noah was a baby when he left, and now is a little basketball player, dribbling the ball up and down the court without difficulty. Aden and Wiley, who use to be content just playing with blocks and cars 3 years ago, are into soccer, but are enjoy whatever is being played. They both scored numerous touchdowns during a recent football game. All the missionary kids enjoyed having the Riggins kids (including little Emma Kate) back again and the adults enjoyed having Scot and Jill back home as well. It was a great visit, and we hope to see them again soon.