Miles is going to be a big brother soon and so his family is going to move into a bigger house on station tomorrow. Unfortunately, that house will no longer be 2 houses from mine. So I will miss talking to him through his door on my way to and from work, the stops in his yard to play with him when he is outside as I am walking home, his running away to Aunt Erin's house to play and more. Today he came to play so his mom could finish packing up. We played with balls, talked on the phone, had a snack, read some stories, scavenged in the garden, fed the guinea pigs and swung on the porch swing looking at the beautiful valley around us. I will miss those times. I am happy for his family's chance to move into a bigger house, but I will sure miss the closeness of this little boy to my house. I guess I will need to take some longer walks to visit him.