Larry and Aarlie Hull have been long time friends of Kudjip Nazarene Hospital. Larry is an orthopedic surgeon who has volunteered at our hospital numerous times. After retirement in the US, they have now invested in and continue to run the Madan Coffee Plantation here in Papua New Guinea.
We have been without a station generator for a number of years now. We had a large CAT generator that never seemed to really work well for us and we haven't been able to get it fixed. We recently lost our hydro power and even more recently lost our hospital generator. Just as it seemed like we were in trouble power wise, the Hulls came to our rescue. They learned of our situation and offered us a generator that they had and weren't using.

Thank you Aarlie and Larry for your generous gift, and thank you Jordan and maintenance team for the work to get the generator working. Please continue to pray for our Hydro and for the parts needed to get it up and running and for the erosion to somehow lessen.