Sunday, November 18, 2007
Becky's Incision and Drainage
Becky couldn't go away from Texas without an injury or illness or something
. O
n Thursday, she developed a small cut under her L thumbnail after trying to remove some dirt. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but here in PNG everything gets infected. After having a lot of throbbing on Friday, she started some antibiotics. Her thumb however continued to get red and some pus was developing underneath her nail. Dr. Bill McCoy (our next door neighbor) did a home I&D with emla and an 18G needle on Saturday. We had hoped that this would be all she needed, however it wasn't getting better. So today with the help of Angela, a CRNA, Dr. Bill incised her thumb and drained out some more pus. Angela gave Becky morphine and versed, so she doesn't remember anything that happened. I played the role of moral support and photographer during her procedure, as Dr.
Bill opened her up. We went to Dr. Bill's examination
room in OPD - outpatient department for the procedure. Becky spent a few minutes in the recovery room (same OPD room), then she was escorted to the waiting LandCruiser by Dr. Bill and Dr. Jim. She is now sleeping and resting. Keep praying for her thumb to continue to heal.