Kathy's birthday was Saturday, so Marsha had the Radcliffes, Riggins and I over for dinner to celebrate. There were a lot of us (14) around the table as we enjoyed a great meal of grilled meat, vegetables, and a great truffle cake which Jill made. We had a good time of fellowship and enjoyed the entertainment of the Riggin's boys and Bill.
Wiley was quite an eater, especially of his mom's potatoes. At times, Wiley wo
uld smile and put a whole bunch of potatoes in his mouth, showing off. We all enjoyed watching him as he ate. Bill, during the middle of the conversation, yells "Oh my nose." We all turned our heads to see why he said this and see a plastic fork stuck to his nose. Aden, who was sitting next
to him, didn't know what to say or do, and seemed somewhat afraid. Initially, Marsha looked concerned for her husband, then we all realized he was just kidding and started laughing. Soon after that Aden starts saying "Oh my nose." After dinner, he got some of his toys and would put them in his nose and say "Oh my nose," just like his Uncle Bill. Apparently, Bill's brother does this at various family gatherings, so Bill thought he would do it for all of us. In doing so, he may have started a new tradition in the Riggin's household. Aden came over to play today, and was putting things in his nose saying "Oh my nose."

After dinner, we sang the birthday song and were enjoying Jill's cake. We all commented on how good it was and we asked Jill how she made it. She told us she just made it up. Shortly there after, Aden says, "Hey, Uncle
Bill." Bill says, "Yes, Aden."
Aden says, "I made the cake." Everyone started laughing, as this something Bill would say. Bill often tells people that he made whatever food was served, when he didn't. We all kid and joke about Bill making things when we get together and apparently Aden has caught on.

Following dinner, Kathy and Aden opened up her presents. Aden was hoping that there might be some toys in her gifts and was somewhat disappointed when she got books, towels, and lotion. We then enjoyed watching some basketball, talking, and the boys enjoyed looking at pictures on Aunt Marsha's computer of elephants and tigers and more.