Last Sunday the GP - giant pumpkin had a circumference of 26 inches and was the size of a volleyball. This Sunday, he has grown 20 inches in circumference to 46 inches and it's volume has increased 5.5 times. This is pretty exciting to Bill and I, which not everyone relates to, but that is ok. We are excited because it is something that we haven't done before and we seem to be having some success with it and it is growing at an incredible rate to us. It is now the biggest pumpkin that we have grown and are anticipating how big it might get. It is pretty neat to be able to walk outside each day and to see the size of the pumpkin grow seemingly right before our eyes. Our excitement has caught on to some here, or else we just talk about it so much that others are starting to come and wonder what we are talking about. We have gotten a lot of "wows" in response. Stay tuned for more.