Stephanie Doenges has been a missionary here at Kudjip for the past 5 years. In that time, she has impacted many from the college of nursing students, to the many ladies with cervical cancer who she has had a heart for, as well as all the mom's and babies on our OB ward. She has touched many in her years here with her love for them and the love of Christ that she has shared with them.

God has now called her back home. She is now engaged to Andy Diehlmann and they are looking to head home for a period of time and see how God might lead them. Steph is looking at joining an inner city clinic back in Columbus where she can continue to serve and share God's love with many.
We have had many fun times together with a trip to Madang, hiking Wilhelm, pizza nights, birthday parties and more. We will miss you Steph and will be praying for you guys in this next chapter.